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Om Bori   *born in Berlin.


graduated with honors in Fine Arts from the Berlin University of the Arts and in Intermedia Art from the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest, where she is currently pursuing artistic research.

She is represented by Art of Future, a member of the the Studio of Young Artists’ Association in Budapest and the Saloon Network in Berlin.


Bori´s work combines still and moving images with different narratives genres, from memoir to documentary through to song and tale. It explores the intersection of visual and verbal exposition by means of videos, animations, drawings, objects, rhythms and algorithms. Point of departure are studies of a milieu, place or landscape and the human and nonhuman relations enfolding therein. Conceptually, it directs attention to how structural forces steer individual and collective lives, and how the individual and the collective attempt to resist such structural determination, whether through labour, hope, love, migration or madness.


Recent results are a three-channel video installation exploring the experiences and creative horizons of Hungarian women in 1920s Berlin, connecting their stories across time through a dynamic visual and acoustic narrative( Metamorphoses of an Archive, 2024); a multimedia installation centered on mythical female water figures and environmental critique (Aqueous Creatures, 2024); a sound and PVC-based installation narrating the Havel river’s perspective on ecological repair (Thalassale Regression, 2023); and a multimedia work examining the relationship between female livelihoods and environmental impact through the lens of water sellers in Accra (Pure Water, 2022).




Doctor of Liberal Arts, Doctoral School, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest


Master of Education, Faculty of Fine Arts, Berlin University of the Arts /

Department of Education and Psychology, Free University of Berlin


Meisterschülerin - Fine Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Berlin University of the Arts


Absolventin - Fine Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Berlin University of the Arts


Diploma - Intermedia Art, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest

A-levels, Fine Art Secondary School, Budapest



scholarships & awards



Artits grant, Goethe Institute Budapest


Fellowship for postgraduate studies, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest


Artist in residence - Künstlerhaus Salzburg, Stadt Salzburg


PROMOS scholarship, mobility grant by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research


Artist in residence, Guthmann Akademie, Kulturamt Spandau


OFFCITY Artist in residence, Pardubice


AIR - Artist in residence Niederösterreich, Krems an der Donau


BARTR Art Residency, Budapest


Best of Diploma, Barcsay-Hall, Hungarian University of Fine Arts,




President’s Fine Arts Award, Faculty of Fine Arts, Berlin University of the Arts


Karl-Hofer scholarship, Karl Hofer Gesellschaft


14th InOut Festival Prize,

Łaźnia Centre for Contemporary Art, Gdańsk




TÓTalJOY Prize


ACAX Leopold Bloom Young Visual Art Award


DECODE Architecture and Art Prize


solo & duo | group | biennales || screenings ||| performances ||||

solo & duo


Sedimented memoriesHouse of Arts and Literature, Pécs (HUN)

Aqueous Creatures, Appendix Art Hub, Künstlerhaus Salzburg (AUT)

Women/Water/Bodies, duo show with Wura-Nathasa Ogunji, Liget Gallery, Budapest (HUN)


3,267 footsteps, Kunstraum Juraplatz, Biel/Bienne (CHE)


women–water-bodies, Raum für drastische Maßnahmen, Berlin (DEU) 

pure water, DAS KAPiTAL project space & art association, Berlin (DEU)


tellmetale, MŰTŐ exhibition space, Budapest (HUN) 

bodies of water, University of Ghana, School of Arts (GHA)


upstream danube, Kunstquartier Krems, AIR – artist in residence, Krems an der Donau (AUT)

matrilines, Gallery by Night, The Studio of Young Artists’ Association, Studio Gallery, Budapest (HUN)


I won't be this way very long, Art+Text Gallery, Budapest (HUN) 




Eismeer zu Nebel verwandelt / Köddé vált jégtenger, Studio of Young Artists’ Association, Goethe-Institut Budapest (HUN)

Room to expand, Universität der Künste Berlin, Künsterhaus Bethanien, Berlin (DEU)

be my guest, Stadtgalerie Lehen, Salzburg (AUT)


Metamorphosen eines Archivs, Collegium Hungaricum Berlin (DEU)

YOUR WATER OUR WATER, aqb art centre Budapest | DELPHI_space Freiburg | U10 Art Space Belgrade (HUN | DEU | SRB)

stiction, Kunstzentrum E-WERK Luckenwalde (DEU)

Ha mi árnyak, Kaleidoscope House, Esztergom (HUN)


Satelliting Groundfloor, Okay Artspace, Athens (GRC)

Family history eludes appropriation - Om Bori, Olivia Kovács, Christina Werner, Studio of Young Artists’ Association, Budapest (HUN)

Unveiling_Lerántjuk a leplet, Liget Gallery, Budapest (HUN)

Queering Democracy - Binálé, Digital Art Biennal, Kristály színtér, Budapest (HUN)

DRAGONER 1.0, Super Contemporary Arts Fest, Dragoner Areal, Berlin (DEU)

videoaktion #4, Raum für drastische Maßnahmen, Berlin (DEU)

Wo gehen wir denn hin?, Gutmann Akademie, Gotisches Haus, Berlin (DEU)

Berlin Art Week: Im Prozess, Gutmann Akademie, Gutshaus Neukladow, Berlin (DEU)


Preis des Präsidenten der UdK Berlin: Nominiertenausstellung, Universität der Künste, Berlin (DEU)

sleeping promises, feldfünf - Projekträume im Metropolenhaus, Berlin (DEU)

KunstKaufen, Charlotte-Salomon-Saal, Karl Hofer Gesellschaft, Universität der Künste, Berlin (DEU)

Return to the real, Art of Future platform, Metaverse (MVRS)


Om Bori, Veronika Burger, Christina Werner: Autoarchive Reloaded, Künstlerhaus Wien, Vienna (AUT)

nothing ever happened (yet), Museum für Fotografie, Berlin (DEU)

Karl-Hofer Stipendien: Nominiertenausstellung, Karl Hofer Gesellschaft, Berlin (DEU)

Berlin Art Week: Visceral Collectivities, Kunstraum Potsdamer Straße, Berlin (DEU)

Berlin Gallery Weekend: Parken ist Bewegung, Kunstraum Potsdamer Straße, Berlin (DEU)

PATRON, Studio of Young Artists’ Association, Q Contemporary, Budapest (HUN)


Architecture/moving image, 14 In Out Festival, Łaźnia Centre for Contemporary Art, Gdańsk (POL)

Budapest Art Week: MMXX // archive // time capsule, Studio of Young Artists’ Association, Studio Gallery, Budapest (HUN)

Hungarian Month of Photography: Experience Exchange, MyMuseum Gallery, Budapest (HUN)

Closed door, 1111 Gallery, Budapest (HUN)

Abwehrmechanismen, Kunstraum Potsdamer Straße, Berlin (DEU)

Festival delle Arti Contemporanee, Factory Athena, Limonaia di Villa Strozzi, Firenze (ITA)


International Video Art Forum, Society of Culture and Arts in Dammam (SAU)

9th Cairo Video Festival, Medrar for Contemporary Art, Cairo (EGY)

Exhale - Berlin Art Week decompression, Zönotéka artspace, Berlin (DEU)

Stadtgesichter, nomadicArt, Berlin (DEU)


Unstitched Resources: A dialogue, Studio 106 - Art Gallery, Los Angeles (USA)

Stúdió '18 – Szalon / A jövőt végképp eltörölni, Barcsay-Hall, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest (HUN)

Working title 2, MAGMA Contemporary Art Space, Sfântu Gheorghe (ROU)

Bunt, lebendig und fantastisch ohne happy end!, Kunst- und Kultursalon Bar Babette, Berlin (DEU)

Die Kant. Der bewegliche Imperativ, Uferhallen, Studio 13, Berlin (DEU)

Parallax View, Parallax Forum, Acadamy of Fine Arts Katowice, Katowice (POL)

Systems / Shaking / Sounding, HUMlab- X, Faculty of Arts, Umeå University, Umeå (SWE)

Beyond Words: An international multidisciplinary event, Artspace Tel AvivTel Aviv (ISR)

LOCOMOTION, Audioriver Festival, NoveKino PrzedwiośniePłock (POL)

distance, Galeria Labirynt, Lublin (POL)

Through the landscape, The 6. Dzielnica galleryŁódź (POL)

Sound Systems, Vox Electronica-Festival, Lviv Center for Urban History of East Central Europe, Lviv (UKR)

Areas of the posthuman and ecology, Adam Mickiewicz University Institute of European Culture, Gniezno (POL)

heroes, passing the way, hacking of the system, Zakład Karny w Wołowie, Prison in Wołów (POL)

Scrolling, Le Cube - centre de création numériqueParis (FRA)

Pokaz i spotkanie, Centre of Contemporary Art “Znaki Czasu”, Toruń (POL)


17th Media Art Biennale WRO 2017 - DRAFT SYSTEMS, WRO Art Center, Wroclaw (POL)

Timelapse, Technische Universität, Berlin (DEU)

new members exhibition, Studio of Young Artists’ Association, Labor Gallery, Budapest (HUN)

f***k_hegyeshalom_dok, Studio of Young Artists’ Association, Studio Gallery, Budapest (HUN)

Videoproject, Biennial of video art, Galerie 5 de l’université d’Angers, l’artothèque d’Angers et l’association 24+1, Angers & Nantes (FRA)

Speisekino Moabit 2017 #14, nomadicArt, Center for art and urbanistics, Berlin (DEU)

add rnd to chaos, 34th Chaos Communication Congress, Leipziger Exhibition GroundsLeipzig (DEU)

On parallel universes, artificial feelings and the natural(?) beauty, BSMNT artspaceLeipzig (DEU)

art conditions/work conditions, Center for leisure and creative workMyslakowice (POL)


Encounter, Deegar Platform, Mohsen Gallery, Tehran (IRN)

Klaustrophilie, Galerie oqbo - Raum für Bild Wort Ton, Berlin (DEU)


ARTE Video Night 7, Maison Européenne de la Photographie/International Contemporary Art Fair, Paris (FRA)

RANDOM:15, K11 Arts and Cultural Center/ RANDOM Gallery, Budapest (HUN)

Filmideo, 10th Annual Film and Video Screenings, Index Art Center, Newark, New Jersey (USA)

Traverse, International Video Festival, Les Abattoirs – Museum of modern and contemporary art, Toulouse (FRA)

Oodaaq, International Art Festival, Le Café du Cinéma & Ateliers de la ville en bois, Nantes (FRA)

myshow, Gallery Man, Ross & partners, Berlin (DEU)


Best of Diploma, Barcsay-Hall, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest (HUN)

Change, Labor Gallery, Budapest (HUN)


Risk Factor – Intermedia 2.0, MODEM - Centre for Modern and Contemporary Arts, Debrecen (HUN)

Strassz Performance, YESYES!zine release, Warte für Kunst, Kassel (DEU)

Media Analysis VII., Intermedia Department & Labor Gallery, Budapest (HUN)



Om Bori: Maria Josefin Margarete, Forum, Camera Austria International, Graz, 2021_154

Om Bori: Mine, eigenart-magazine, Berlin, 2021_6

Om Bori: Berlin Zoo Station Simulacrum, Visions of the Future, eigenart-magazine, Berlin, 2021_1


Om Bori: Hegyeshair, Served sliced - Texts and visual works from Professor Neugebauer´s class, Press of the University of Arts Berlin, 2018

Om Bori: 3267 footsteps, inside express, 2014, Balkon - Contemporary Art Magazine, Budapest, 2018_3


Hegyeshalo_ f***k summer workshop at the border, a conversation between Om Bori, Katalin Erdődi, Attila Menesi and György Orbán, Balkon - Contemporary Art Magazine, Budapest, 2016_9


Om Bori: 2103 metres, 3267 footsteps, 22 minutes: rhythm, performance, narration in the urban everyday, Budapest, 2014

lectures / talks


workshop, Wasserwege der Erinnerung, International Day of Rivers, Bärenzwinger Berlin

workshop, Sedimented memories, House of Arts and Literature, Pécs

artist guided tour & workshop, Women/Water/Bodies, Liget gallery, Budapest


Panel discussion, Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen für Frauen in der Kunstwelt heute, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

Artist talk, Family history eludes appropriation, Studio of Young Artists’ Association, Budapest

Artist talk, Im Prozess, Gutshaus Neukladow, Berlin

Artist talk, Wo gehen wir denn hin?, Gotisches Haus, Berlin


Symposium, Guthmann Akademie - pleinair, Guthaus Neukladow, Berlin

Artist talk, women-water-bodies, K.I. Büro Kunstvermittlung Berlin e.V., Raum für drastische Maßnahmen, Berlin

Artist talk, pure water, DAS KAPiTAL project space & art association, Berlin


Round table & artist guided tour, Autoarchive Reloaded, Künstlerhaus Wien

Lecture, bodies of water, University of Ghana, School of Arts, Accra


Lecture, Architecture/moving image, Centre for Contemprorary Art, Łażnia

press coverage

article: népszava <- mine

interview: pannontv <- mine

interview: künstlerhaussalzburg <- Aqueous Creatures

review: artportal <-  Unveiling_Lerántjuk a leplet

article: fotogeschichtenzeitschrift <- Maria Josefin Margarete

article: salzburgernachrichten <- Autoarchive Reloaded

review: artkartell <- I won't be this way very long

interview: raumfuerdrastischemassnahmen <- women–water-bodies

recommendation: artportal <- tellmetale

recommendation: artmagazin <- matrilines

arte videonight: artetv <- 3,267 footsteps

lahmacun radio: lahmacunradio <- upstream danube

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© 2024 by Om Bori

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